
Showing posts from March, 2020

Online training on "Understand ASPICE to Improve Product Quality"

IQI Consulting is organizing online ASPICE Training that will primarily focus on Implementation aspects of ASPICE, the Know-how that will help you to understand / better implement the Base practices and face the assessment. Below are Key challenges that are faced by practitioners when implementing ASPICE and this training and will help you to a greater extent. Establishing Bi-directional traceability across the V-Life cycle Identifying System elements and Software components and establishing Interfaces between them Implementation of Model-Based Design vs. Manual Design to demonstrate ASPICE compliance Defining Strategy across the V-Life cycle. How and Why? System and Software Integration Testing - A Missing piece in OEMs and Tier1? Definition of Resource consumption goals and collecting the data to understand the need for Architecture Design optimization. Register today and get your answers on how the challenges can be overcome by Implementing ASPICE. https://l...